Huawei has launched a new mid-budget Android smartphone which is Huawei Honor 6 H60-L04 at price of Rs 19,999. It will be interesting to see that whether Huawei Honor 6 will be able to impress people in India or not as already Xiaomi Mi3, Moto G (2nd Gen) and some other smartphones priced lower than Huawei Honor 6 have got lot of success in India. The first impression has made me understand that Huawai Honor 6 is going to be a good smartphone for those who need good RAM and good camera features. In this post I’ll make you know the features, quick review and comparison of Huawei Honor 6.
Huawei Honor 6 works on Android 4.4 (KitKat) operating system and comes with Emotion UI 2.3 interface.
Table of Contents
Display Screen
This Huawei smartphone comes with display screen of 5 inch having resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. The display screen of Huawei Honor 6 is protected by Gorilla Glass 3 protection.
Processor, RAM and Memory
Huawei Honor 6 comes with 2GHz Octa-Core processor which means that this is a powerful smartphone. The most amazing thing about this new Huawei smartphone is that it comes with 3GB RAM. You can do the comparison of Huawei Honor 6 with Moto X (2nd Gen) smartphone. You may prefer Huawei Honor 6 over Moto X (2nd Gen) just because it has got 3GB RAM, while Moto X (2nd Gen) comes with 2GB RAM. Even the price of Moto X (2nd Gen) is above Rs 30,000 which makes it to be a costly smartphone for many people.
Huawei Honor 6 comes with internal memory of 16GB. With the use of microSD card you can get external memory up to 64GB with Honor 6 smartphone.
Camera Features
As you’ll be spending around Rs 20,000 on this smartphone, you may definitely want to know that whether the camera features are decent enough or not. The rear facing camera is a 13 megapixel camera which comes with Dual LED flash and BSI sensor. You’ll be able to get good quality pictures even in low light with the 13 megapixel camera of Huawei Honor 6.
In the front of this Huawei smartphone you’ll find a 5 megapixel camera which shall be pretty good for those who want to take selfies or do video calling.
Connectivity Features and Battery
Huawei Honor 6 comes with connectivity features which are 3G, Wi-Fi etc. One of the pros of Huawei Honor 6 is that it comes with 3100 mAh battery which can give you very good battery life. Battery of this Huawei smartphone comes with very special SmartPower 2.0 which will help you by saving 30% of battery life. By switching on to the ultra-power saving mode you’ll be able to make use of the last 10% battery life for 24 hours.
Huawei Honor 6’s Quick Review
Huawei Honor 6 seems to be a good smartphone at Rs 19,999. Powerful processor, 3GB RAM, good camera features and 3100 mAh battery with a special saving mode may make you decide to buy this smartphone. There are very less Android smartphones having 3GB RAM and that’s why many people may soon get impressed with Huawei Honor 6. This Huawei smartphone has still not got any popularity which may be due to the reason that it comes with a new type of interface and there is no Dual SIM option available with this smartphone.. Moto G (2nd Gen), Xiaomi Mi3 are the other smartphones which you can consider to buy for yourself. Moto X (2nd Gen) may not be the right smartphone for you if you don’t want to spend over Rs 20,000, as Moto X (2nd Gen) comes at price above Rs 30,000.
Huawei Honor 6 is available in 2 colors which are Black and White.
Buy Huawei Honor 6 Online (Black Color)
Buy Huawei Honor 6 Online (White Color)
Huawei Honor 6 is a smartphone which you may immediately like to buy online mainly because of the reasonable pricing. It’ll be interesting to see that whether Huawei will decide to provide some good offers very soon so that Honor 6 smartphone can get some popularity in India. What is your opinion about Huawei Honor 6?
Hey Mohit, I heard that Huawei had won first stand for their user interface, Is it true? Do let me know how this UI in design and performance..
Akriti I really don’t have info that whether Huawei has won the first prize for user interface or not, but I will soon try to read about it…..Recent news I have got is that Huawei 6 is getting good reviews and many people are deciding to buy this smartphone..