Oppo which is launching mid budget and high budget smartphones regularly in India has now launched R7 Lite and R7 Plus. These smartphones R7 Lite and R7 Plus are priced Rs 17,990 and Rs 29,990 respectively. You may definitely check both these smartphones as the screen size and some of the other features are different. One of the features which is similar is that both Oppo R7 Lite and Oppo R7 Plus work on Colour OS 2.1 which is based on Android Lollipop 5.1 operating system. Go through this post to know the difference between the features of Oppo R7 Lite and R7 Plus as well as the important information about both of them. If you have less budget, then go for Moto G 3rd Gen or Asus Zenfone 2 Laser.