New Privacy Features Available on WhatsApp for Android

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Everyone loves to chat on WhatsApp. We all know that how useful App WhatsApp is for all of us. The only thing which was missing is the availability of privacy features. Now as Facebook has acquired WhatsApp, finally privacy features have been released for WhatsApp and now this should bring many more users for WhatsApp.

You should now check out which are the new privacy features available for WhatsApp on Android and you should also check out the way to make use of all these privacy features.

You will be happy to check out all the new privacy features as this is something you may have waited for from a long time.

Privacy Features for WhatsApp

whatsapp privacy features for Android

Which are the new Privacy features?

The new privacy features available on WhatsApp for Android are

1. Hide Profile Photo – You can hide your profile photos from people who are not in your friends list or you can hide your profile photo from Everyone.

2. Hide Last Seen – Many people don’t like people to know that at what time they were last seen on whatsApp. By making use of this new privacy feature you can hide last seen feature.

3. Hide Status – Do you write WhatsApp Status which is meant only for your friends? Now strangers won’t be able to see your WhatsApp status.

How to make use of the WhatsApp new Privacy settings?

1. For making use of WhatsApp new privacy settings you need to first go to WhatsApp settings…

2. After going to setting you need to go to Account and then to Privacy..

3. Default setting is Everyone but you can change it to Nobody or My Contacts.

iPhone users were already able to make use of these privacy features and as this feature is now available for Android, it shall make Android users really very happy.

Download WhatsApp for Android and start chatting with your friends. WhatsApp is the most favorite messaging App among teenagers so you shouldn’t miss the chance to have this amazing App on your Android smartphone. You need to have the latest version of WhatsApp on your Android smartphone for making use of the very useful privacy features.

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6 thoughts on “New Privacy Features Available on WhatsApp for Android”

  1. Yes I already mentioned that Bharadwaj Giridhar….Privacy Features were already available on WhatsApp for iOS and now they have released the features also for Android..I had seen many Android users were wanting for privacy feature and that’s why they shall be feeling happy…

  2. Shiwangi Shrivastava thanks for realizing that you should use privacy features in WhatsApp for getting rid of unwanted contacts….I hope that you will tell your friends too about the new privacy features for WhatsApp…

  3. Hi Pawan haha really good one…Now there is no need to stay offline on WhatsApp…We can stay online and hide our profile picture, last seen and our status from those who are not in our list…It seems that there are many more things going to happen to make WhatsApp users happy…May be Facebook that’s why bought it.. May be they are planning to make it the best messaging App one can ever think about……


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