Last Day to Register for First Flash Sales of Lenovo A6000

Register for Lenovo A6000 and the Pros


Today is the last day to register for the first flash sales of Lenovo A6000. You’ll be able to register until 6 pm of today (27th January). If you don’t want to miss out the chance to buy Lenovo A6000 online tomorrow, then you shouldn’t miss out to register. I have already made you know the important features of Lenovo A6000, and in this post I’ll highlight some important things about Lenovo A6000. Go through this post to register now for Lenovo A6000 and you’ll be also able to know pros as well as other details about this new Lenovo smartphone.

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10,000 Micromax Yu Yureka to be Available Tomorrow

Micromax Yu Yureka first flash sales, second flash sales availability details


All those who were waiting for Micromax Yu Yureka smartphone should get happy now as tomorrow (13th January) is the day when Yu Yureka will be going for sale for the first time. 10,000 Micromax Yu Yureka smartphones will be available tomorrow at the first flash sales. Only those who were able to registered will be able to buy Yu Yureka tomorrow. It’ll be really interesting to see that how fast Yu Yureka will get sold out tomorrow. I expect the registration for the second flash sales of Yu Yureka to start soon after the first flash sales. If you missed out to registered for the first flash sales, then you should definitely try to be active so that you’ll be able to register for second flash sales after the registration begins.

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