The options have increased for people who have budget of Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000 for buying a 4G LTE smartphone. This comparison will make you decide that whether you should go for the latest smartphone Redmi Note 5 Pro or you should go for Xiaomi Mi A1 which is already very popular. Redmi Note 5 Pro is been called as a all rounder
smartphone and that’s why you should definitely compare it with not only Mi A1, but also some of the other latest smartphones.
Do go through the comparison of features of this 2 popular smartphones before you purchase one device within Rs 15,000.
Table of Contents
Operating System
Xiaomi Mi A1 comes out of the box with Oreo version and the most amazing thing is that it is the stock version. Redmi Note 5 Pro comes out of the box with MIUI 9 which is based on Android Nougat operating system. Some people like stock Android more, but some people like MIUI as it brings more customization options.
Display Screen Size and Features
Xiaomi Mi A1 comes with 5.5 inch FHD screen, while Redmi Note 5 Pro comes with 5.99 inch display screen with FHD+ resolution. Both the screen come with 2.5HD curved glass which is same, but because of the FHD+ resolution and better screen ratio many people are going to prefer Redmi Note 5 Pro.
Processor, RAM and Storage Space
Mi A1 comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 Octa Core processor, while Note 5 Pro comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Octa Core processor. People are comparing the processor and as Snapdragon 636 Octa Core has been provided in a smartphone for the first time, many are finding it as a better option. You’ve the option to go for the 4GB RAM/64GB memory or the 6GB RAM/64GB memory variant.
Camera Features
The main thing that mostly teenagers check out first these days before going for any popular smartphone is the camera features. Xiaomi Mi A1 is mainly liked by people because low light pictures are really impressive. The rear camera of Mi A1 is a dual camera which is combination of 2 cameras of 12 megapixel, while the dual camera at the rear side of Redmi Note 5 Pro is a 12MP and a 5MP camera combination. The front camera provided in Xiaomi Mi A1 is a 5 megapixel camera, while the camera provided at front of Redmi Note 5 Pro is a 20 megapixel camera.
Battery Life
Xiaomi Mi A1 comes with 3080 mAh battery, while Redmi Note 5 Pro comes with powerful 4000 mAh battery.
I hope that after knowing the difference in the features, you’ll finally decide that whether you need to purchase Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro or Xiaomi Mi A1. Do let me know that which smartphone you’re buying out of the 2 or you’ll go for some other option.