Battery Life Saving Tips for Android Smartphones – Extend it by Hours

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If the battery of your Android smartphone keeps on getting drained very fast due to heavy usage then definitely you need to do something. In this post we are mentioning some tips for saving the battery from getting drained. You will be able to save your battery life and extend it by following these tips so that you won’t be required to again and again charge your Android smartphone.

First thing to consider – Choose Android smartphone which has good battery

Whenever you are buying a new Android smartphone you should check out the battery used in the Android smartphone. You should choose Android smartphone which has the most powerful battery…

Recommended – Factors to consider for buying Android smartphone for yourself

Reduce the Brightness level

It is important that you reduce the brightness level of your screen so that the screen won’t make use of lot of battery life. By reducing the brightness level, you will see that your mobile battery  is no longer draining very fast.

Android smartphone battery

Turn Off Bluetooth, Wifi and all other connectivity options

Connectivity features when kept on can drastically keep on draining your battery. Your battery may get empty in a hour or two if you have kept Wifi and Bluetooth turned On. You should always check that most of the connectivity features are kept Off.

Check that unwanted applications are not running

If unwanted applications keep on running the battery may drained very fast. Using the Task manager you should stop all the unwanted Applications.

Play Games for less time

If you keep on playing games on your Android smartphone for hour or more time then the battery may get drained very quickly. Some Android games consume lot of battery and if you don’t want to charge your mobile again and again then definitely you should try to play games for very less time. Stop playing battery consuming games and you could definitely Extend your Android mobile battery life.

Use Applications which Increase the Battery Life

There are many different battery saving Apps and battery enhancer Apps available at Google Play Store which you can download for saving as well as increasing battery life. You can try out the free Apps for saving battery life and if you are really worried about your Android mobile battery getting empty again and again then you may try out some paid Android Applications which really improve the battery life.

Previously we had told you that you should be careful while buying any Android smartphone as it may be an important decision for you and that’s why you should consider many important things while buying Android smartphone. After buying any Android smartphone you should try to follow all the points mentioned in this post so that your mobile Battery  will last for more hours.




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6 thoughts on “Battery Life Saving Tips for Android Smartphones – Extend it by Hours”

  1. I am using Galaxy Note….and these tips may really help me out…..My battery life is good but these tips may really help out to make my Note’s battery last for more hours….Any more battery life increasing tips? Plz let me know……

  2. Thanks Pratik for trying out my battery saving tips for your Galaxy Note..Pratik I must say that if you use all the tips properly you can definitely use Note for many hours without charging it…

  3. These are general characteristics of all phone users which must be stopped if the life span of any mobile battery are to be last, else the tendency of keeping mobile with better battery will definitely be derail as we continue to stop to following the aformentioned points above.

  4. Thanks Adesanmi Adedotun for your comment…I hope you really understood that why I have provided battery life saving tips for Android mobile phone users…Stay connected with my blog for more tips…

  5. Agree with all the points!
    Mohit, Battery draining out is a real problem. An Indian girl now has designed a battery that lasts much longer & won Intel’s top prize. Waiting for it to be available!
    Nice Post 🙂

  6. Thanks Anita for liking the post..I am really happy to hear about the thing that an Indian girl has designed a battery which will last much longer..and am also happy to hear that she has been awarded for her work…..Indian techies can really bring a big change if they start thinking properly…..


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