Huawei Honor 4X vs Xiaomi Redmi 2 Comparison

Huawei Honor 4X and Xiaomi Redmi 2 Features Comparison


Huawei’s Honor 4X and Xiaomi’s Redmi 2 both have got available online and there is tough competition between them. Huawei Honor 4X is priced at Rs 10,499, while Xiaomi Redmi 2 is priced Rs 6,999 only. So if you don’t want to spend over Rs 7,000, then you may definitely like to go for Redmi 2. If budget is not a constraint, then you may buy the one which you find to be the best as per the price. Now I’ll do the comparison of Huawei Honor 4X and Xiaomi Redmi 2. This comparison will make you decide that which latest Android smartphone you should buy for yourself.

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