5 Best Android Smartphones Under Rs 7,000 [September-2014]

Best Android Smartphones in Rs 7000


Do you have budget of Rs 7,000 for buying an Android smartphone? Previously very less options were available when it came to buying an Android smartphone in Rs 7,000, but now the scenario has totally changed. Moto E got very huge success as a low budget smartphone, and now other companies too have launched smartphones in the same budget. In this post I’m mentioning 5 best Android smartphones available under Rs 7,000. I hope that your confusion regarding which low budget Android smartphone you should buy will end after going through all the 5 best smartphones mentioned by me in this post.

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Best Quad Core Android Smartphones within Rs10,000


If your budget is Rs 10,000 for buying Android smartphone then in this budget you can definitely get a powerful smartphone with Quad Core processor. In this budget you can now not only buy Android smartphone powered with Dual Core processor, but also you can get Android smartphone powered with Quad Core processor which is a very good news for many. In this post I am mentioning 3 Android smartphones which are powered with Quad Core processor and are available in price below Rs 10,000.

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