#ChooseToStart A New Business with the New Moto E

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There are many things which we do for the first time in our life. We think a lot about things which we do for the first time because we want to do them properly and get success with them. Motorola has launched new Moto E and you may definitely think about starting a new journey with it. A new journey can be started at any moment in our life, and the right moment can be now.

I have always thought about doing a business as it gives more freedom than a job.

I may definitely #ChooseToStart a new business with the new Moto E because it is one of the most amazing Android smartphones which can be purchased at an affordable price.

So now let me make you know the reasons which will make me start a new business (mostly an Estate agency business) with the new Moto E.

Amazing Built Quality

A businessman’s life is not as easy as some people think.

If I’ll get into estate agency business, then I may definitely need to go out daily and that too to many different locations.

On many days, I may have to rush out of my house immediately after receiving a call from one of the clients.

The new Moto E not only looks good, but it is the best low budget smartphone when it comes to the built quality. The built quality has got very much improved in comparison to the built quality of first Gen Moto E. This Motorola smartphone is definitely easy to carry and at the same time I won’t have to worry much about it getting fall down from my hands.

The curved design of the new Moto E is something which will make me hold Moto E with utmost comfort.

Display Screen with Gorilla Glass Protection

I don’t know how people comfortably carry smartphones with very large display screen with themselves.

Moto E (2nd Gen) comes with 4.5 inch display screen which is definitely an appropriate screen size. It may easily fit in my pocket and it won’t feel me uncomfortable like some of the smartphones with very large screen may do.

I won’t have to worry that the display screen will get broken or it will get cracks as the display screen comes with Gorilla Glass Protection.

new Moto E with Best Features at an Affordable price

Faster Connectivity – Connecting with Business Clients at Right Time

A good thing about the new Moto E is that it has got launched in 2 variants.

If you need faster connectivity, then you may opt to go for the 4G variant of the new Moto E. If your budget is less, then the 3G variant can be the best option for you.

The new Moto E may definitely be useful for me in sending emails to clients, sending them messages on WhatsApp regarding the meetings and for doing many other tasks required to be done for carrying on the new business properly.

As it is a Dual SIM smartphone, I may definitely use one SIM for connecting with friends, relatives etc and the other one only for business. I won’t miss any of the important business calls which will be because of the new Moto E.

Good Camera Features

Sometimes clients ask may ask for images of the different available houses and that’s why a low budget Android smartphone with good camera features is a necessity now.

The new Moto E is not only having rear facing camera, but it also has a front facing camera. As both the cameras are available, I may definitely be able to take images in a better way.

The original Moto E had no front facing camera which disappointed me. I hope that not only me, but many other people who want to start a new business may definitely opt to have the new Moto E smartphone.

Long Lasting Battery – Best Feature for Businessmen

Businessmen sometimes have to travel to other cities regularly and that’s why they definitely need a smartphone with powerful battery.

Battery provided in the new Moto E is a 2390 mAh battery which means that I’ll be able to get good hours of talktime with this new smartphone.

It is really good to see that Motorola has provided a much powerful battery than what it had provided in the original Moto E.

Colorful Bands Available for Moto E (2nd Gen)

A good looking smartphone is something every businessman may want for leaving good impression in front of his business clients and other people.

Motorola Bands for Moto E (2nd Gen) is available in different colors. These Bands definitely make the new Moto E look awesome.

I don’t think that such type of amazing Bands are available for any other low budget smartphone. This is one of the reasons that may make many people prefer the new Moto E over the other smartphones in this price range.

If you also want to start something new in your life with the new Moto E, then definitely check out the ‘Start with Moto E website‘ immediately.

Many people have already bought the new Moto E as it is definitely a good low budget smartphone. If you’re not having a good Android smartphone, then you may definitely like to purchase 2nd Gen Moto E immediately.

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6 thoughts on “#ChooseToStart A New Business with the New Moto E”

  1. This is one of those rare entries that stick to the contest requirements of stating how one would start with the new Moto e. Most of the contestants have written features of Moto e but did not specify how they would want to use those features. They are creative but not to the point of this contest. Yours should get more likes as you have written as per the requirement

  2. Thanks Partha. Good to see you coming again to my blog. You had said that my blog post covered the points properly and may be judges also thought the same ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ This was the first time I started writing very late and just wrote what came to my mind.

  3. Hi Mohit, Really awesome article and I agree with all the things you have mentioned here. I personally using moto e from last one year and I am happy with the experience. Even it is fall from my hands many times, but because of the strong built quality, it is still safe in my pocket ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Hey Jeetu I started using the Moto E 2nd Gen yesterday and I found that the built quality is really good. The screen size is 4.5 inch which is the best one and that’s why the 2nd Gen Moto E easily fits in my pocket.


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