Complete Connection With Technology On the Move With Transformer Book T100

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Are you someone who wants to always stay connected with technology? Do you spend most of the time in travelling? Now with Asus Transformer Book T100 you will be able to stay connected with technology very easily. This is a 2 in 1 tablet and laptop which will give you the opportunity to know what’s happening in the world while you are not in your home. You should check out this post to know that how Asus Transformer Book T100 can be very useful to stay connected with technology which one is travelling.

Asus Transformer Book T100 is the most amazing gadget which anyone can purchase because it will work like a tablet unless one clips on the keyboard provided with it.

Asus Transformer Book T100 2 in 1 laptop + tablet

Now I will like to make you know that how while moving I will be able to make use of Transformer Book T100 for staying connected with technology.

While Walking I will Use Transformer Book T100 as a Tablet

Are you thinking that Transformer Book T100 is only good for those who want a laptop? You should understand that you can make use of Transformer Book T100 as a tablet in a very good way. While walking on the road or jogging in the park I may want to know the latest news or listen to a favorite song, and this will be definitely possible by making use of Asus Transformer Book T100.

Asus Transformer Book T100 weighs 1.03 kg only which means that is a very light weight tablet. While walking I may not be able to hold tablets which are heavy, but I will be definitely able to hold Transformer Book T100 with comfort which is due to its light weight.

While Travelling I will make use of Transformer Book T100 as a laptop 

When I will be travelling in bus or train, I will make of Transformer Book T100 as a laptop so that I can stay connected continuously with my college friends, blogging friends etc. At the same time I may write a post while travelling by making use of Transformer Book T100 as a laptop.

As Microsoft Office & Student 2013 is pre-installed on this Transformer Book 2013, I will be able to do my work very easily using this amazing 2 in 1 Transformer Book.

Oh No! Bus is full crowded 

After getting a seat in the bus I may have started to make use of Asus Transformer Book T100 as a laptop, but I may not be able to continue the same if the crowd has increased. If the bus will become overcrowded then I won’t stop chatting with my friends, but I will just remove the keyboard. while the bus is crowded I will make use of Asus Transformer Book T100 as a tablet so that I can easily adjust. As the bus will get totally packed I will immediately keep the tablet into my bag and that will take few seconds only.

Playing Games while travelling can be totally fun

I will love to play games on Asus Transformer Book T100. It comes with very fast processor and 2GB RAM which means that I will be able to play the best games on Asus Transformer Book T100.

Taking Photos with Transformer Book T100

When I will travel to other cities in India I will definitely make use of the 1.2 megapixel camera provided with Transformer Book to take some amazing photos. As I can connect to the internet with Transformer Book T100 I will be easily able to share the photos with my friends.

No Need to Wait to Make Use of Transformer Book T100

While I am travelling I may not like to wait much before the laptop or tablet starts working because I may want to immediately connect with internet. Asus Transformer Book T100 will help me in getting immediately hooked to technology as it comes with features which makes it turn on very fast. Asus Instant On and Microsoft InstantGo Technology are the features of Transformer Book T100 which will give me the opportunity to instantly use Transformer Book as a tablet or laptop.

No Need to Charge Again and Again

I don’t like the tablets and laptops which give 3 to 4 hours of battery life only. With Asus Transformer Book T100 I will be able to get battery life of 11 hours which is definitely an amazing feature.

While I will be travelling and not getting time to charge the battery, I will make use of Transformer Book for 5.5 hours as a tablet while for 5.5 hours as a laptop. I will love to do multi-tasking with Transformer Book on the move because I won’t be having the tension of charging the battery again and again.

Amazing Design will attract others to ask some questions

When I will carry this amazing 2 in 1 Transformer Book to my college, my friends will definitely get attracted to it because of its amazing design. It has much better design than some of the other tablets. They will also ask me that whether I will use it as a laptop or tablet, and I will tell them it will depend on the situation.

I loved writing this post as this is a special post for me because of the reason that this is for a contest arranged by Indiblogger and Asus. I am thankful to Indiblogger and Asus for giving me chance to write on a very interesting topic.

For knowing specs, features and more things about Asus Transformer Book T100 you can visit Asus India Website.  If you will buy Asus Transformer Book T100 now from Asus India website you will be able to get ADATA 16GB MicroSD card for free. This is really an amazing offer which Asus is providing with Transformer Book T100. Asus Transformer Book comes at price Rs 32,999 only. Affordable price will definitely attract many people to buy this Transformer Book. Will you buy Asus Transformer Book T100? Do you think this Transformer Book will become very popular?

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2 thoughts on “Complete Connection With Technology On the Move With Transformer Book T100”

  1. Hello Mohit,

    Nice review about Transformer book. Yes, it is great Laptop and Tablet Loaded with windows 8.

    You described the portability of transformerbook in very good way with example of bus full with crowd.
    Great to hear about this laptop cum Tablet.

    Thank you!
    Well, i found this post on and commented on it.

  2. Swaraj Nandekar this was not a review, but if you find it helpful like a review then am happy about it…I just wrote this post for a contest, and am happy that I am able to make my readers know about Asus Transformer Book T100 in the best way. Asus is launching many good products and I really liked the concept of laptop cum tablet.


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