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Facebook Buys WhatsApp : Why It is the Biggest Deal?

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Heard this news already? You may have heard the news that Facebook has decided to Buy WhatsApp but did you understand that why it is a very big deal? In this post I will make you know the reasons which has made this deal one of the most popular and biggest news.

My all friends are talking about this deal and that’s why I decided to write a post about this deal made by Facebook by purchasing WhatsApp. Go through the post and know more about why the decision to buy WhatsApp is one of the best decisions taken by Facebook.

One of the Most Expensive Deals

People are talking about the price at which WhatsApp has been purchased. $19 Billion is really a very good price and that’s why after knowing the price offered by Facebook, WhatsApp owners shall have become very happy. People can’t believe that WhatsApp has got price more than Nokia and Motorola got when they were sold. WhatsApp has got more than 400 million users and that’s why it definitely deserved such a big price.

WhatsApp Owner Brian Acton was declined job by Facebook

2 people Jan Koum and Brian Acton are the owners of WhatsApp. Facebook is going to pay $4 Billion only as cash while $12 Billion would be provided as Facebook stocks. $3 Billion will be paid in form of restricted stocks. As Brian Acton will get good percentage of Facebook stocks, he will become one of the Board of Directors of Facebook.

The most interesting thing here is that Brian Acton was declined a job by Facebook in the year 2009. Entrepreneurs are finding this news as very motivating news for them. Someone who was declined by a company for job will be now becoming its BOD which is really a motivating thing for any Entrepreneur. If you are an Entrepreneur you shall definitely try to know more about this story.

WhatsApp is loved by people and users are increasing

According to the various sources, WhatsApp is getting downloaded by around 1 million people daily. This is really a big number. I think the deal was made mainly because WhatsApp is growing and there is scope that it will keep growing.

Expectations Among People 

After this deal has happen, people have some really good expectations. People want to know that whether there will be integration between Facebook and WhatsApp but it is not going to happen as WhatsApp will work independent . I am expecting WhatsApp to get more better features and there may be changes happening for making people attracted to use WhatsApp more. I don’t know whether there will be any changes made to WhatsApp interface or design but if it happens then definitely it has to be better than the current one.

We don’t know that whether Mark Zuckerberg has made any plans already or still the thought process is going on.

According to the owners of WhatsApp – After this deal WhatsApp will be able to expand more…. I think he is definitely right, Facebook owner will definitely try to make the most of this deal as he has paid such a huge amount to purchase WhatsApp.

After reading this post you must have now got to know all the reasons that why the news – Facebook Buys WhatsApp has become one of the most popular news.

What are your thoughts about this deal? Let me know your thoughts about this deal between Facebook and WhatsApp

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