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How Technology Can Be Used For Improvement of Immune System of Children?

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I never thought that Technology can be used in the best way for total improvement of the immune system of children. When I thought to write this post for the contest arranged by Dabur Chyawanprash and Indiblogger, I decided to think about something which I never thought and I got this idea.

In this post, I will try to figure out the ways in which technology can be used for the improvement of the immune system of your children.

1. Starting a New Television Channel Especially For the Improvement of Health of Children

The main reason why children suffer from health problems and diseases regularly is that their immune system is not strong. If a special TV channel is started which provides useful knowledge and information daily then definitely children will be able to stay more fit and more strong.

when children will get to know the best type of products and the food which they should consume on the channel for children, then definitely they will too themselves try to follow it for themselves.

Even cartoon characters can be used for making children know about why they should eat proper food and what else they should do for staying fit and healthy. Children definitely listen to their favorite cartoon characters and that’s why making use of cartoon characters in providing useful information to children can be one of the best ideas.

I would love to suggest a name for the channel – Children Health Care and Growth.

2. Sms Updates 

Every parent should get some regular sms updates in which they are provided information about the ways they should follow for improving the immune children of their children.

3. Special Videos on YouTube

YouTube videos are loved by everyone. If well known personalities themselves start providing tips for improvement of immune system of children, then definitely such videos will motivate people to work together for the improvement of the immune system of children in India.

4. Google Helpouts

You may be still now not knowing about Google Helpouts but definitely through this post you should know about it.

At Google Helpouts you will find many experts who can provide special tips and advice. If you want to see improvement in the immune system of your children then definitely you can take some special tips from the experts by paying for it. Google Helpouts is definitely the best platform if you want to get any type of paid tips and advice.

5. Providing Health Care Information to Passengers in Public Transport Vehicles

If improvement has to be bought in immune system of children in India, then definitely each and everyone should be provided information related to child health care. By making use of audio or even by making use of videos, passengers in trains and buses can be informed about how they can take better care of their children and which products are the best for improving the health of their children.

Don’t you think same like me? I think Technology can play a very important role in making India Immune. Children’s growth and health is the responsibility of parents and that’s why parents should get complete knowledge about the best products and it can be only possible because of technology. 

Dabur Chyawanprash

Dabur Chyawanprash is the product which every child should be given. If you are a parent and want to see your child always looking strong and healthy, then definitely Dabur Chyawanprash should be taken regularly by your children. Many parents already have total trust on Dabur Chyawanprash and believe that this product is one of the best products for improving the total health and immune system of children.

When I was writing this post I suddenly remember one of my old friends regularly consuming Dabur Chyawanprash. I always used to feel that how that friend of mine looks fit every day even after not eating much. I now understand that Dabur Chyawanprash is really useful and it totally brings a change in the health of the children.

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