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Apple iPhone 5S and 5C Announced – Check out the Features

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For iPhone 5 lovers the best thing they could hear is that Apple seeing the success of iPhone 5 has finally announced two new models. iPhone 5C and 5S are the 2 new Apple iPhone models and both models seem very much different from each other. iPhone 5C has been launched in 16GB and 32GB versions while iPhone 5S has been launched in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB versions.

Let us check out the features of both the newly launched iPhone models which are iPhone 5C and 5S.

Apple iPhone 5C

Apple 5C is made up of hard coated polycarbonate. The features of 5C are decent enough to attract people towards this new model.

Screen is of 4 inch and 5C runs on A6 processor. You get all the connectivity features like Wifi, Bluetooth and even the LTE support with iPhone 5C. The rear facing camera is a 8 megapixel camera and in the front too there is a good camera.

Apple iPhone 5C will be getting launched in 5 different colors which is a very exciting news for iPhone lovers. The 5 different colors of iPhone 5C are blue, white, yellow, green and red.

The 2 years contact price for the 16GB iPhone 5C version is $99 while the 32GB version of iPhone 5C will cost $199. The price of 5C is definitely less than 5S and hence it will be exciting to see that whether more people will go for 5C just because of its lower price than 5S.

Apple iPhone 5S

iPhone 5S impresses me a lot. It seems powerful and comes with some very cool features. If you don’t have problem of budget then you may definitely go for iPhone 5S.

A7 Chip and M7 Motion Co-processor

The best thing about iPhone 5S for me is that it contains A7 chip and even an another chip which is called as M7 Motion Co-processor. I can just expect that iPhone 5S to run faster than the previous iPhone models. M7 Motion Co-processor will be very useful as because of this it iPhone 5S will be able to measure data from the different sensors which will help in using some of the very useful Apps.


There is a very improved camera in iPhone 5S. The camera is a 8 megapixel only but its features are very impressive. You can find a very new type of LED flash( true tone) in iPhone 5S. It is said that it will help in adjusting to the light which will help in taking better pictures.

Fingerprint Scanner

If you save many important things in your smartphone then definitely iPhone 5S could definitely be your next smartphone. iPhone 5S comes with a fingerprint scanner which will definitely impress you a lot. Once you have saved your fingerprint on iPhone 5S, no one else will be able to unlock and use your iPhone. The fingerprint scanner provided in iPhone 5S has 360 degree readability which should make the fingerprint scanner very useful.  If you want to allow your family members to use your iPhone 5S then you should feel happy as iPhone 5S comes with the option to have multiple fingerprints.

Battery life makes me excited to go for iPhone 5S

Yes iPhone 5S has a very impressive battery life which may definitely make iPhone lovers choose this new iPhone. You get 3G talktime up to 10 hours, LTE browsing up to 10 hours which seems really very cool.

iPhone 5S will get available in 3 different colors which will gray, silver and gold. The 16GB version of iPhone 5S costs $199 on 2 years contract while the 32GB and 64GB versions costs $299 and $399 respectively.




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